Boston Marathon
In a stunning misstep of what we feel is brazen
arrogance and self-serving irresponsibility, Fox 25 News apparently misuses a trusting viewer’s
tip information to generate another Mike Beaudet Fox 25 News trailer while the
rest of the nation was working together to catch a bad guy.

WFXT’s desperation to get people
to watch their 10pm news by running Mike Beaudet trailers during primetime,
reached a disturbing low last week when a trusting but misguided viewer
allegedly found a photo of the Boston Marathon finish line which might have
helped law enforcement identify the then unknown Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev and the backpack that he left behind.
Since Fox 25 called the photo an exclusive,
the viewer apparently sent it to Fox but agreed NOT to send it to other
stations or law enforcement (unless they were not truthful about the photo being exclusive), even though the government had asked people to use
one of their many tip submission lines or the Mayor’s hotline. State Police and Federal Law Enforcement were able to identify the attackers eventually
by piecing together thousands of submissions by people, but Fox 25 seems to have kept their
photo to themselves, more interested in demonstrating that Mike Beaudet had an
exclusive than in cooperating with the law enforcement effort and working with the rest of the nation in
identifying the suspects.
Fox 25 ran the trailer around 8:53pm on that critical Thursday
night, during the American Idol results show and instead of providing a website
or phone number for viewers to contact if they knew something about the photo,
Mike Beaudet’s message was that you would have to just tune into Fox 25 News at
10pm, over an hour later.
We will never know if Fox 25 News viewers are so myopic that
they think that Mike Beaudet has their interest in hand better than the numerous police forces and government
agencies who had banded together or if Mike Beaudet once again convinced
someone to keep public safety information a secret so that he’d get the scoop
(of course only to be disclosed when American Idol is over).
What we do know is that this irresponsible act solidifies our
opinions about Mike Beaudet and the Fox
station which continues to feed off him.
* photos are pictures taken of a tv screen
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